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Point Center

  • Points Information
  • Transfer
  • Bank
  • Lottery
  • Shop
  • Your points: 0

    Your points on the bank: 0


    Here you get information about the handling of points on our site.
  • Get points
    For registration on our site 100,00
    Login per day
    (only with a post in the chatbox and a like/reaction on the last 5 news posts)
    For comments in the areas
    (Timeline, Company, Arcade and Usergallery)
    For uploading an image to the Usergallery 5,00
    For creating a topic in the forum 30,00
    For creating a post in the forum 15,00
    For reporting an error in a game at the arcade 30,00
    For adding a game description for a game in the arcade 20,00
    Listen to community radio per hour
    (For Comgames members only in connection with a post in the chatbox and participation in Teamspeak and on a gameserver)
    For beating a record in a game at the arcade More information in the Arcade
    For winning the jackpot in the lottery More information in the Lottery
    For interest on your account with the bank More information in the Bank
    For creating a Hangman with Jackpot More information at Hangman

    Spend points
    For playing a game in the arcade More information in the Arcade
    For the cost of tickets in the lottery More information in the Lottery
    For account maintenance fees in the bank More information in the Bank
    For features in the shop More information in Shop
    For a faulty attempt at a Hangman with jackpot More information at Hangman
    For opening the Teamspeak-Viewer 70,00
You need the Shopfeature Transfer.

  • Your points: 0

    Your points on the bank: 0


    Here you can create an account on our bank and profit from the interest.

    Notice, however, the account maintenance fees are due.
  • You must be registered to open an account.

    Bank Informations
    Rate of interest 2,00 %
    Interest payout period 2 Months
    Minimum amount for interest payment 500,00
    Payout fee 2,00 %
    Account maintenance fees per period 0,00
    Minimum amount to be paid in 10,00
    Minimum amount to be paid out 100,00
    Maximum amount on account 100.000,00
    Total number of accounts 12
    Total deposits 205.648,93
  • Your points: 0

    Your points on the bank: 0


    Here you can play lotto with other users.

    The more players there are the higher the jackpot to win.

    But there is only one winner or like in real life none at all.

    If nobody wins the jackpot goes into the next draw.

    Show last winners
    Display your own winnings
  • You must be registered to play in the lottery.

    Lottery Informations
    Already sold tickets 0
    Current players 0
    Costs for a ticket 100,00
    Maximum buyable tickets per draw 20
    Currently in Jackpot 200,00 Points
    Next draw Tuesday, 30. July 2024 - 00:01
    Last Winner was Clemens
  • Your points: 0

    Your points on the bank: 0


    Here you can play lotto with other users.

    The more players there are the higher the jackpot to win.

    But there is only one winner or like in real life none at all.

    If nobody wins the jackpot goes into the next draw.

    Show last winners
    Display your own winnings
  • Winner Points Date
    Clemens 2.700,00 24.07.2024
    No winner - 21.07.2024
    No winner - 18.07.2024
    No winner - 15.07.2024
    No winner - 09.07.2024
    No winner - 24.06.2024
    No winner - 03.06.2024
    lima 2.100,00 28.05.2024
    No winner - 25.04.2024
    lotte 7.100,00 22.04.2024
  • Your points: 0

    Your points on the bank: 0


    Here you can play lotto with other users.

    The more players there are the higher the jackpot to win.

    But there is only one winner or like in real life none at all.

    If nobody wins the jackpot goes into the next draw.

    Show last winners
    Display your own winnings
  • Points Date
    2.600,00 21.07.2024
    2.300,00 18.07.2024
    2.200,00 15.07.2024
  • Your points: 0

    Your points on the bank: 0


    Here you can buy useful features for yourself or your profile.
    • AvatarYour avatar will be displayed on the page

      Costs: 250,00

      Not enough points
    • SignatureYour signature will be displayed in the forum

      Costs: 350,00

      Not enough points
    • RankYour rank will be displayed in the forum

      Costs: 500,00

      Not enough points
    • Background RotatorUse the background rotator in your profile to create your own backgrounds

      Costs: 3.000,00

      Not enough points
    • Video RotatorUse the video rotator in the profile to create your own video backgrounds

      Costs: 6.000,00

      Not enough points
    • TransferYou can give points to other users

      Costs: 100,00

      Not enough points
    • Nickname Rainbow EffectGive your name a rainbow effect. Note that this effect overwrites your nickname color!

      Costs: 3.000,00

      Not enough points
    • Nickname ColorGive your name a color

      Costs: 600,00

      Not enough points
    • Nickname GlowGive your name a glow effect. Can be used with rainbow effect.

      Costs: 1.500,00

      Not enough points
    • Rank ColorGive your rank a color

      Costs: 600,00

      Not enough points
    • Special RankHere you can buy special ranks which are then displayed on the forum.

      Costs: 300,00

      Not enough points
    • Special Rank ColorGive your special rank a color

      Costs: 600,00

      Not enough points
    • Website colorChange the color of the web page

      Costs: 2.500,00

      Not enough points
    • new nameNew nickname on the website
      Note that you must also log in with the new nickname!

      Costs: 5.000,00

      Not enough points