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Hangman reworked
  • by BLaKe on 14.08.2024 - 19:28
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  • BLaKe

    Special Rang


    Posts: 168

    On board since:
    10. February 2013

    Hangman reworked Wednesday, 14. August 2024 - 19:28


    As you are used to from me, I always have something to do on the website. This time it was Hangman, which I gave a major overhaul and which also brings new features with it.

    Apart from the fact that everything is now provided with countdowns and is also displayed more clearly and there is now a sorting function, there are the new community Hangmans that can be created.

    Here each player can see the letters of the others. The player can reload the Hangman live at any time to see the current status of the other players or simply play along, whereby the current status is always transmitted in real time.

    A new feature is that the Hangman creator receives 25% of the set jackpot back after solving his Hangman, plus of course the 10% of the other players' failed attempts.

    Hangman creators can now also click on the players who are trying to solve the Hangman to see their current progress and the letters they have chosen.

    Have fun solving the words smile

    greetz: BLaKe
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