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Internal redesign completed
  • by BLaKe on 25.05.2024 - 12:33
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  • BLaKe

    Special Rang


    Posts: 168

    On board since:
    10. February 2013

    Internal redesign completed Saturday, 25. May 2024 - 12:33


    After several weeks of work, I have finally completed the redesign of many areas of the site today.
    The new like and comment system has been added everywhere and the chronicles, notifications and transactions have also been improved.
    In the process, I was unfortunately forced to delete all the old likes, notifications and transactions and you may encounter errors.
    If this is the case, please let me know.

    New functions have also been added with the redesign. Among other things, it is now possible to use the new emoji and the gifpanel everywhere on the site.
    In addition, many bugs in the messenger area have been fixed.

    I hope you enjoy our site now.

    greetz: BLaKe
    Das Leben ist binär. Entweder Du bist eine 1 oder eine 0 !
    Ein Systemadministrator schläft nicht. Er root!
    👍 8
  • Meme
    Cool User


    Posts: 63

    On board since:
    29. April 2018

    Internal redesign completed Sunday, 26. May 2024 - 03:11


    Sounds like you put a lot of work into your site, Blake,, Kudo's to you for doing so,, ! Liked the idea about the emogies too, ..
    "now what i wanna know is , if your so dam smart, why ain't you rich?" LOL old joke , please to not take it to heart,,
    👍🤗😄 5