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New arcade changes are now ready
  • by BLaKe on 16.01.2023 - 09:07
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  • BLaKe

    Special Rang


    Posts: 168

    On board since:
    10. February 2013

    New arcade changes are now ready Monday, 16. January 2023 - 09:07


    It was time to adjust the layout of our arcade and fix a lot of small bugs.

    You can now see a better block category overview with more info about the category and the category champion.

    Also the block game view was improved and the submitting of game descriptions and bugs was changed.

    The game time can now be found in the popup mode and the darkmode is now considered in the popup game mode.

    Many changes also concern things that you don't see right away but will notice over time.

    More features will follow soon.
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